Clinical Supervision/ Consultation Services

Individual and group clinical supervision or consultation services help you expandyour skills and competencies at any stage of your career.

Get Started With Supervision
Boost your confidence and expand your abilities with the guidance of a clinical supervisor.

Clinical Supervision and Consultation Offers Ongoing Support

Whether you’re freshly licensed and looking for guidance as you launch your career, or you’ve been working in mental healthcare for years and want to gain a deeper perspective, connecting with a clinical supervisor can offer you insights and ideas that help you grow professionally. This will help you enhance the enjoyment of your work, and ultimately better serve your clients.

An image of a woman on her computer experiencing chronic pain and seeking therapy with Dr. Jen Joseph in New Jersey
A man sitting on the floor in his house dealing with chronic pain due to unaddressed trauma and is seeking therapy with Dr. Jen Joseph in New York

Uncover Your Professional Strengths and Develop as a Provider

Dr. Jen is a big fan of supervision and consultation. She leads multiple consultation groups, training groups, and process groups for mental health providers. She also provides consultation on a one on one basis.

Clinical supervision with Dr. Jen can help you through professional challenges and through areas where you want to grow as a practitioner. It can also provide you with an opportunity to better understand your professional strengths as well.

In your work together, you will learn to tap into your personal and professional strengths, encouraging you to embrace what you’re best at while helping you grow in areas where you want to improve. 

What Qualifications Does Dr. Jen Have for Clinical Supervision?

Dr. Jen has had an extensive career working with a very diverse group of people. She is also a lifelong learner. She combines her experience, curiosity, and education to best support her supervisees.

Dr. J has been practicing psychotherapy since 1999, beginning her career working with children, teens and families who were struggling with abuse histories,  trauma, and learning disabilities. She has also spent many years helping adults with co-occurring disorders and severe mental illness in both clinics and various hospital settings.

Dr. Jen has owned and operated a successful private  practice working with adults for 12 years. In her practice she works with individuals, couples, and leads multiple therapeutic and training groups. 

Dr. Jen is a Licensed Psychologist in NY and NJ, is Psypact approved, and is a graduate of the Center for Group Studies (CGS) in NYC. She leads process group institutes at AGPA annually with a modern psychoanalytic orientation, and teaches group work through CGS.

Dr. Jen mainly utilizes Psychodynamic, Psychoanalytic, interpersonal, and Cognitive Behavioral approaches in her work. She utilizes these modalities to inform her clinical supervision services.

An image of a woman walking down the street with groceries and feeling relief from finding the source of her chronic pain through her therapy with Dr. Jen Joseph in New Jersey

Mental healthcare is a field that is ever-changing to reflect a better understanding of the human mind and how we as practitioners can offer support.

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Clinical supervision can help with:

  • Strengthening  your personal therapy style.

  • Determining the best modalities for your practice.

  • Developing organizational skills for running your practice.

  • Determining how you’d like to attract clients.

  • Support in acute challenges with clients.

  • Looking at the field of mental health from multiple perspectives.

  • Developing your personal flow in the therapy room.

  • Connecting to other members of the mental health industry.

  • Develop the business side of your practice.

  • Understanding how to best utilize Transference and Countertransference.

  • Improving your confidence as a provider.

Licensed Psychologist Dr. Jen Joseph is a PSYPACT approved provider in New York, New Jersey, and provides online therapy.

Grow as a Clinician with Dr. Jen

Dr. Jen Joseph is a Licensed Psychologist, Certified Group Psychotherapist, and PSYPACT approved provider. She provides supervision or consultation to people at all career levels. As a Psychologist, she can provide supervision or consultation for people with all mental health degrees.

Dr. Jen has worked with a variety of supervisors and mentors throughout her career, and continues to tap into the resources her supervisors provide in her current work. She knows firsthand the value of supervision in every stage of someone’s career, and she enjoys offering supervision services to others in her field. As a supervisor, she strives to provide guidance in line with her experience and expertise, looking to benefit her supervisees just as she has benefitted from the experience and expertise of her own mentors.

Learn More About Dr. Jen


Mental healthcare is a field of very specific licensures and professional education requirements.

Navigating these requirements can be difficult, but with a clinical supervisor at your side, you’ll have access to institutional knowledge that can help you keep up with the requirements of the field.

Dr. Jen can help you maintain impeccable professional credentials throughout your career by finding engaging CPE opportunities, navigating bureaucratic processes, and ensuring licensure requirements have been met for your particular field and practice.


Having an expanded perspective on how mental healthcare can work makes anyone a better practitioner.

Understanding different therapy modalities and mental health concepts by engaging closely with experts in your field improves your body of knowledge generally, while also allowing you to develop new insights into your specific practice as well.

A clinical supervisor like Dr. Jen can help you develop a fuller understanding of your field by sharing her knowledge and guiding you toward resources that can open up new possibilities of understanding and practice for you.


When working with a clinical supervisor with extensive education experience, you’ll be introduced to the possibilities available with varying educational credentials.

Understanding the potential career paths available to you can sometimes be difficult to discern without direct guidance, particularly when considering state-by-state licensing board requirements. A clinical supervisor can share their career path with you, as well as their knowledge around other career paths you might consider, helping you understand how to guide your career in a direction that inspires you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Clinical Supervision

You may have more questions after reading about Dr. Jen’s supervision services. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions; if you have more questions, please feel free to contact us today.

What is your process for clinical supervision?

When I work with a clinician in one of the groups I offer, I first get to know them and find out what their goals are when it comes to clinical supervision; are they there for guidance on modalities, for support as they work to refine their therapeutic process, help with developing their practice as a whole, etc.?

I will encourage you to be as open and honest as possible about your work process and your concerns about your practice. That openness will help me help you; I am here to support you in your career and take a non-judgmental, constructive approach to supervision and consultation.

I relish the opportunity to work with fellow clinicians, making use of my expertise to help you grow as a practitioner, and I work hard to develop a rapport with my supervisees, so we can work closely and constructively together.

If I’m just starting out as a practitioner, am I doing enough to have clinical supervision be useful?

Yes! Early in your career is a great time to connect with more experienced practitioners. As you begin to build a client base and work to support your clients' needs, you’ll find yourself with more and more questions. Having a close working relationship with a clinical supervisor provides you with a ready resource full of experience. You’ll be able to hash out ideas and discuss and receive feedback for any mistakes or issues that may arise.

Working as a mental healthcare provider is a lifelong learning experience, and the more teachers we have in our lives, the more likely we are to be able to navigate the challenges of being a provider. With me as a clinical supervisor, you open up doors to increased skills and knowledge by making use of over two decades of psychotherapy experience. As an eager supporter of clinicians in the field, I am always excited about the opportunity to offer my expertise to new clinicians and often find myself learning from you in ways that improve my own abilities as well.

I’ve been going to supervisors as a student, why would I want a clinical supervisor/consultant once I’m licensed?

As a clinician who has worked in psychotherapy for over two decades, I have found that my own abilities and practice are always enriched, and my clients also benefit from supervision. I am proud of my accomplishments as a mental healthcare provider, but I am also proud of my willingness and eagerness to learn and improve in my work; I know that there will always be room for growth in my practice. I am a lifelong learner.

Who are you qualified to supervise?

As a licensed psychologist, I am qualified to provide supervision to those pursuing Doctorates, Social Work, Counseling, and MFT licensure within the states of New York or New Jersey.

Where can I learn more about your clinical supervision services?

Dr. Jen welcomes you to contact her for a free phone consultation, where she can discuss with you how her supervision skills can specifically help you and your unique practice.

Ready to Get Started With Clinical Supervision?

If you’re interested in making use of Dr. Jen’s long standing expertise in mental healthcare, connect with her today. 

Contact Us For Your Free 15 min Consultation